Posted on 4/22/2010

Ever wonder what happens between the time they take the oil out of the ground and when you fill your car at the gas pump? Me too. Ok not really, as long as there’s gas at the station when I need to fill my car I feel like it’s a successful venture. As it turns out there is A LOT that goes into getting that stinky black goo refined to the point that it can fuel my car. The oil is delivered by boat, train and truck to oil refineries all over the country. Recently, Faber Crane got a sneak a peek at what goes into getting that oil into our cars. We were called out to the rail yard at Shell Refinery in Anacortes to help assemble a rolling platform. These are used to help workers safely access the openings on top of the rail cars and insert a hose and transfer the oil from the cars to the refinery. The platform arrived at the rail yard in 6 pieces, think Ikea furniture but on a much larger scale. In order to raise the heavy metal components off the lift Eric, our NCC ... read more